Svolos Agrogreen S.A.

Svolos Agricultural Products S.A. was established in 2015 and it’s main activity is the production and trade exclusively of Hayward quality kiwifruit.

350 Acres of Cultivation

Modern Standardization Unit

Hayward Kiwi Trade

Our Hayward Kiwifruits are produced in Anoixiatiko Amfilochia under all ISO and IFS certifications.

Their harvest, which takes place in October, ensures the ultimate taste and nutritional value.


Their standardization and maintenance is carried out in our modern units with cold rooms with a capacity of up to 2000 tons.


Transportation from production to the unit is done by privately owned trucks.

    Svolos Agrogreen S.A.

    Ανοιξιάτικο 305 00

    + (30) 2642051166